Success Stories

Southern Regional Student Wellness Conference

February 6, 2023

Foster Youth Services Manager, Paul Durham, at SRSWC<
Foster Youth Services Manager, Paul Durham, at SRSWC

Southern Region Student Wellness Conference (SRSWC)

The Southern Region Student Wellness Conference (SRSWC) is an engaging multi-day event designed to empower educational partners such as mental health professionals, administrators, educators, school counselors, school safety staff, healthcare providers and the community to address the needs of the whole child.

The SRSWC features nationally recognized speakers and premier breakout sessions utilizing California Department of Education’s California Community Schools Partnership Program whole child approach with the elements of the Center for Disease Control’s Whole School, Whole Community, Whole Child to support understanding of the interconnectivity between students, families, communities and schools in the pursuit of health and wellness. Conference strands include Equity and Empowerment, Integrated Continuum of Support, and Asset Based Culture and Climate.More information can be found at:



We are thrilled to announce that registration is now open for the 2023 Southern Region Student Wellness Conference! Join us at the Disneyland Hotel, where connection and educational adventure will be the main attractions! Full capacity is expected, so please claim your tickets now, because education truly is...California's greatest adventure!

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