best practices
The ABLE Guide (Accessing Blended Learning Education)

The ABLE Guide adapts content from the Distance Learning Playbook by Fisher, Frye and Hattie (Corwin Press) and focuses on four principles of learning and connects and aligns numerous digital tools to help these principles come to life within different learning environments. The four principles of learning are Relationships, Engagement, Monitor & Feedback and Demonstrating Mastery. In each of the four sections of the ABLE Guide we provide some introductory information, a vignette, some additional insights/information and then a link to a digital toolbox which aligns various digital tools to support implementation of the principle. The ABLE Guide also aligns the four principles to important standards in education. The Guide draws connections between the ISTE (International Society for Technology in Education) standards, the CASEL (the Collaborative for Academic, Social, and Emotional Learning) competencies and the NSQ (National Standards for Quality Online Learning) standards. Links to each of these standards are found in the section for each principle.
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